Principal Investigator
Jiyoung Chang Google Scholar
Professional Position
- Associate Professor (2021. July ~ ) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt lake city, USA
- Assistant Professor (2015 - 2021) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt lake city, USA
Education and training
- Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2015) Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
- Postdoctoral Scholar (2012-13) School of Dentistry, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, USA
- Ph.D. (2012) Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
- M.S. (2007) Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- B.S. (2005) Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Awards and Scholarship
- Young Engineer & Scientist Award, Korean Society of Precision Engineering (KSPE), 2016
- Best Paper awards, Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC) Research Review 2012
- Graduate student scholarship, IEEE-CPMT, Awards for Academic Excellence 2011
- Yonsei scholarship for academic excellence, Yonsei study-Abroad Foundation 2010
- Irving and Lucile Smith Scholarship for Academic Excellence, UC Berkeley 2009~10
Graduate Students
Noori Na, Ph.D student, Joined in Fall 2019
- Research Interest: Groundless electrospinning
- Hobby: Cooking, Watching movie
Undergraduate Students
John Hyunho Chae (Junior) 2023 -UROP Fall 2023
Tanner Burton (Junior) 2023
Wearable NEMS lab Alumni
Yeonsu Kim (Senior) 2023- UROP Summer 2023
Jeewon Kim (Senior), UROP(Summer2023)
Dr. Taegon Kim, Korea Institute of Technology (KITECH) (Aug 2022- Aug2023)
Abiral Regmi, Ph.D. 2023, Process engineer/researcher, Texas Intrument, Dallas
Dongwoon Shin, Ph.D 2021, Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Machinery, South Korea
Jonghyun Kim, Ph.D. 2020, Assistant professor, Mechanical engineering, Keimyung University, South Korea
Tanner Andrews, UROP student, 2019 Spring
Taylor Thorpe, Undergraduate researcher, 2017
Jun Yan(Jimmy) He, Undergraduate researcher, 2017
Kenton Young, Undergraduate researcher 2016-2017
Seul-Ye Park, Undergraduate researcher, 2016, Currently at Goldman-Sach in SLC
Yoon-young Choi, Research staff, 2016 November
Kyle Woods, Undergraduate researcher 2016-2017
Dallan Child, Undergraduate researcher 2016-2017
Zach Lauritzen, Undergraduate researcher, 2020 Spring
Group photo
